American Bulldog Portrait

American Bulldog Portrait

Bulldog portrait by Iain McDonald. This portrait is of a bulldog called “Sarge”, with fantastic eyes and patches of colour. I decided to crop the painting closer to the face, rather than replicate the whole photograph, because the features of Sarge’s face are fascinating. Continue reading

May 15, 2011Permalink

Dachshund Portrait

Dachshund Portrait

A painting of a Dachshund curled up on a rug, I was desperate to start this painting because of the wonderful colours, and I wanted the face to leap out of the painting. Most of the painting is quite softly blended, to create a blurred effect, but the head and face have sharp edges and bold brush strokes, to focus the viewer’s attention. One of my favourites. Continue reading

May 14, 2011Permalink